If only this were true there would be no problem. You believe what you want and leave me alone, and I'll do the same. But far too many people of faith want to impose their values and behaviors on everyone else. If you're anti-abortion, then don't have one, but don't block people who want or need an abortion from getting one. If you're anti-LGBTQ, keep it to yourself and let other people be who they are. If "In God We Trust" is your motto, then keep it at home and in your church, not in public schools or offices. If you don't want your kids to read certain books then don't let them, but you don't have veto authority over what books are in a library. And on and on.
Unfortunately, Day's claimed wish simply "to be left alone" is total hokum. This atheist isn't persecuting Christians or anyone else. I'm just saying that you -- and I -- can believe and behave how you wish, but don't attempt to impose your values on me or on society as a whole.